The Russell Cawthorn Collection

RCC6111 1914 (French of Ypres)RCC6657 The Life of Field Marshal Sir John French, First Earl of Ypres (French)
RCC6027 The Little Field Marshal: The Life of Sir John French (Holmes)
RCC8169 Douglas Haig, 1861-1928 (De Groot)
RCC7176 Field-Marshal Earl Haig (Charteris)
RCC5960 Haig: Volume 1 (Duff Cooper)
RCC6167 Haig: Volume 2 (Duff Cooper)
RCC6029 Douglas Haig: The Educated Soldier (Terraine)
RCC6339 The Good Soldier - The Biography of Douglas Haig (Mead)
RCC6615 Douglas Haig and the First World War (Harris)
RCC6191 Architect of Victory: Douglas Haig (Reid)
RCC6804 Haig, Master of the Field (Davidson)
RCC6028 Haig's Command: A Reassessment (Winter)
RCC6153 The Preparatory Prologue: Douglas Haig: Diaries and Letters 1861 - 1914 (Scott)
RCC7718 The Private Papers of Douglas Haig 1914 - 1919. Being Selections from the Private Diary and Correspondence of Field-Marshal The Earl Haig of Bemersyde, KT, GCB, OM, etc (Blake)
RCC6030 Douglas Haig: War Diaries and Letters 1914 - 1918 (Sheffield, Bourne)
RCC6953 The Chief: Douglas Haig and the British Army (Sheffield)
RCC7818 Douglas Haig as I Knew Him (Duncan)
RCC7401 The Man I Knew: The Intimate Life-Story of Douglas Haig (Haig (Countess Haig))
RCC7813 Twenty Five Years with Earl Haig (Secrett)
RCC8212 General Sir Herbert Lawrence Haig's Chief of Staff (Harris)
RCC7172 From Private to Field-Marshal (Robertson, Bart.)
RCC6245 Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson Bart GCB DSO: His Life and His Diaries Volume 1 (Callwell)
RCC6246 Field Marshal Sir Henry Wilson Bart GCB DSO: His Life and His Diaries Volume 2 (Callwell)
RCC5974 Field Marshall Sir Henry Wilson: A Political Soldier (Jeffery)
RCC7168 The Life of General Lord Rawlinson of Trent GCB, GCVO, GCSI, KCMG, From His Journals and Letters (Maurice)
RCC6033 Command on The Western Front: The Military Career of Sir Henry Rawlinson 1914 - 1918 (Prior, Wilson)
RCC6654 The Silent General: Horne of the First Army. A Biography of Haig's Trusted Great War Comrade in Arms (Farr)
RCC6031 Plumer: The Soldiers' General (Powell)
RCC6034 Byng of Vimy: General and Governor General (Williams)
RCC6475 Allenby of Armageddon: A Record of the Career and Campaigns of Field-Marshal Viscount Allenby, GCB, GCMG (Savage)
RCC7986 Allenby of Arabia. Lawrence's General (Gardner)
RCC6835 A Soldier's Life: General Sir Ian Hamilton 1853 - 1947 (Lee)
RCC7296 Johnny: The Legend and Tragedy of General Sir Ian Hamilton (Jones)
RCC5975 Khaki and Gown: An Autobiography (Birdwood)
RCC7363 Putty - From Tel-el-Kebir to Cambrai - The Life and Letters of Lieutenant-General Sir William Pulteney 1861 - 1941 (Leask)
RCC6925 The Confusion of Command: The War Memoirs of Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas D'Oyly Snow, 1914 - 1915 (Pottle, Snow)
RCC6744 Under Two Flags: The Life of Major-General Sir Edward Spears (Egremont)
RCC6232 Far From a Donkey: The Life of General Sir Ivor Maxse (Baynes)
RCC7078 Haking: A Dutiful Soldier. Lt.-General Sir Richard Haking, X1 Corps Commander 1915 - 1918. A Study in Corps Command (Senior)
RCC6036 My Campaign in Mesopotamia (Townshend)
RCC7130 Chitral Charlie: The Life and Times of a Victorian Soldier:The Slow Rise and Swift Fall of Major General Sir Charles Townshend KCB DSO (Nash)
RCC6039 Command in the Royal Naval Division: A Military Biography of Brigadier General A.M. Asquith, D.S.O. (Page)
RCC6668 Johnnie Gough, VC: A Biography of Brigadier-General Sir John Edmond Gough, VC, KCB, CMG (Beckett)
RCC7974 Over My Shoulder. The Autobiography of Major-General Sir Ernest Swinton, KBE, CB, DSO (Old Lik-Oie) (Swinton)
RCC7702 Broken Sword. The Tumultuous Life of General Frank Crozier (Messenger)
RCC7336 The Extraordinary Life of Charles Hudson, VC: Soldier, Poet, Rebel (Hudson)
RCC7482 Valour in The Trenches! "Bombo" Pollard VC MC* DCM HAC in The Great War (Nash)
RCC6200 Footslogger (Seton)
RCC7215 Colonel Lawrence: The Man Behind The Legend (Liddell Hart)
RCC6958 Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia (Korda)
RCC7050 Solitary in The Ranks: Lawrence of Arabia as Airman and Private Soldier (Montgomery-Hyde)
RCC7797 The Mint. A Day-Book of the R.A.F. Depot Between August and December 1922. With Later Notes (Lawrence)
RCC7213 The Letters of T.E. Lawrence (Garnett)
RCC7155 J.F.C. Fuller: Military Thinker (Holden Reid)
RCC6909 The Memoirs of Captain Liddell Hart: Volume 1 (Liddell Hart)
RCC6910 The Memoirs of Captain Liddell Hart: Volume 2 (Liddell Hart)
RCC6912 Alchemist of War: The Life of Basil Liddell Hart (Danchev)
RCC6643 In Search of a Better 'Ole. A Biography of Captain Bruce Bairnsfather Including a Listing of his Works and Collectables (Holt)
RCC7725 Surgeon, Scientist, Soldier. The Life and Times of Henry Wade 1876 - 1955 (Gardner)
RCC7721 Milestones of Memory. A Plain Tale of Service, Sport and Travel in the East and West (Wood)
RCC6614 It's Only Me: A Life of Theodore Bayley Hardy VC DSO MC, 1863 - 1918. Vicar of Hutton Roof, Westmoreland (Raw)
RCC7676 The Christian Soldier. The Life of Lt. Col. the Rev. Bernard William Vann, VC, MC & Bar, Croix de Guerre avec Palme. (Beresford)
RCC7926 Esmond, the Last Idol 1895 - 1917 (Astor, Campbell)