The Russell Cawthorn Collection

RCC6715 Seven Pillars of Wisdom (First Edition) (Lawrence)RCC5838 Seven Pillars of Wisdom (Lawrence)
RCC8027 With Lawrence in Arabia (Thomas)
RCC8028 Setting the Desert on Fire. T.E. Lawrence and Britain's Secret War in Arabia, 1916 - 1918 (Barr)
RCC5839 T.E. Lawrence' In Arabia and After (Liddell Hart)
RCC6653 Lawrence and the Arabs (Graves)
RCC7320 Lawrence of Arabia's War. The Arabs, The British and the Remaking of the Middle East in WW1 (Faulkner)
RCC7314 Lawrence of Arabia: The Life, The Legend (Brown)
RCC7311 T.E. Lawrence: An Arab View (Mousa)
RCC8157 The Seeds of British Special Operations: Masters of Mayhem. Lawrence of Arabia and the British Mission to The Hejaz (Stejskal)
RCC7486 T.E. Lawrence and The Red Sea Patrol: The Royal Navy's Role in Creating The Legend (Johnson-Allen)
RCC7646 Behind the Lawrence Legend. The Forgotten Few who Shaped The Arab Revolt (Walker)
RCC8155 Lawrence of Arabia's Secret Dispatches During the Arab Revolt, 1915-1919 (Bagatti)
RCC5840 The Letters of T.E. Lawrence: Edited by David Garnett
RCC8112 The Story of the Arab Legion (Glubb)