The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Lawrence of Arabia: The Life, The Legend
Purchase Price
£9.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
March 30, 2016
Thames & Hudson Limited (2005, London)
This book was published in association with the Imperial War Museum. This is the book which accompanied the major exhibition at the IWM. It is a visual biography. The book is valuable, not for its text, which is sparse, but for the many photographs, drawings and paintings. The paintings are all in colour and are wonderful. The book is a hymn of praise to Lawrence, which may or may not be deserved, but for the photographs alone it deserves its place in the Collection
Purchase Price
£9.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
March 30, 2016
Thames & Hudson Limited (2005, London)
This book was published in association with the Imperial War Museum. This is the book which accompanied the major exhibition at the IWM. It is a visual biography. The book is valuable, not for its text, which is sparse, but for the many photographs, drawings and paintings. The paintings are all in colour and are wonderful. The book is a hymn of praise to Lawrence, which may or may not be deserved, but for the photographs alone it deserves its place in the Collection