The Russell Cawthorn Collection

With Lawrence in Arabia
Purchase Price
£5.85 (second hand)
Date Purchased
March 9, 2021
Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd (1924, London)
After "Seven Pillars of Wisdom", this is almost certainly the most successful account of Lawrence and the Arab Revolt. It is written by an accomplished self publicist, and is written in a rather racy, if dated, style. But for all that, it has got to be a "must" for any serious student of the Palestine/Arabian Campaign. But don't rely upon it!
Purchase Price
£5.85 (second hand)
Date Purchased
March 9, 2021
Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd (1924, London)
After "Seven Pillars of Wisdom", this is almost certainly the most successful account of Lawrence and the Arab Revolt. It is written by an accomplished self publicist, and is written in a rather racy, if dated, style. But for all that, it has got to be a "must" for any serious student of the Palestine/Arabian Campaign. But don't rely upon it!