The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Behind the Lawrence Legend. The Forgotten Few who Shaped The Arab Revolt
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
March 21, 2018
Oxford University Press (2018, Oxford)
This is the story of the largely forgotten band of officers and spies whose unsung efforts helped Lawrence to achieve what he did in Arabia during the war. Colonel Cyril Wilson and a colourful supporting cast provide a remarkable and fresh perspective on Lawrence and the Arab Revolt. While Lawrence and others blew up trains in the desert, Wilson and his associates were carrying out their shadowy intelligence and diplomatic work.
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
March 21, 2018
Oxford University Press (2018, Oxford)
This is the story of the largely forgotten band of officers and spies whose unsung efforts helped Lawrence to achieve what he did in Arabia during the war. Colonel Cyril Wilson and a colourful supporting cast provide a remarkable and fresh perspective on Lawrence and the Arab Revolt. While Lawrence and others blew up trains in the desert, Wilson and his associates were carrying out their shadowy intelligence and diplomatic work.