The Russell Cawthorn Collection

RCC7937 Why Germany Capitulated on November 11th, 1918. A Brief Study Based on Documents in the Possession of the French General StaffRCC7783 Germany's Aims in the First World War (Fischer)
RCC7923 The Short-War Illusion: German Policy, Strategy & Domestic Affairs, August-December 1914 (Farrar Jr)
RCC8148 On a Knife Edge How Germany Lost the First World War (Afflerbach)
RCC7876 Divide and Conquer. German Efforts to Conclude a Separate Peace, 1914 - 1918 (Farrar Jr)
RCC7175 Germany and the Revolution in Russia: 1915 - 1918. Documents From the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry (Zeman)
RCC7678 German Inperialism in Africa From the Beginnings until the Second World War (Stoecker)