The Russell Cawthorn Collection

RCC6779 The Long Road to Baghdad Volume 1 (Candler)RCC6780 The Long Road to Baghdad Volume 2 (Candler)
RCC6026 Battles on The Tigris: The Mesopotamian Campaign of the First World War (Wilcox)
RCC6772 When God Made Hell: The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq 1914 - 1921 (Townshend)
RCC7770 Betrayal of an Army. Mesopotamia, 1914 - 1916 (Nash)
RCC7219 On The Road to Kut: A Soldier's Story of the Mesopotamian Campaign (No Author)
RCC7012 Other Ranks of Kut (Long)
RCC6290 Tigris Gunboats: The Forgotten War in Iraq 1914 - 1917 (Nunn)
RCC7293 Inland Water Transport in Mesopotamia (Hall)
RCC8224 War in the Garden of Eden (Roosevelt)