The Russell Cawthorn Collection

RCC6052 Women and the First World War (Grayzel)RCC6664 The Virago Book of Women and the Great War 1914 - 1918 (Marlow)
RCC7465 "The Blue Beast" - Power and Passion in The Great War (Walker)
RCC6673 Women in the War Zone: Hospital Service in the First World War (Powell)
RCC6921 Womens' Factory Work in World War 1 (Griffith)
RCC6053 Working For Victory? Images of Women in the First World War 1914 - 1918 (Condell, Liddiard)
RCC7474 Holding The Front: The Women's Land Army in The First World War (Scott)
RCC5822 Behind the Lines: One Woman's War 1914 - 1918: The Letters of Caroline Ethel Cooper
RCC7113 Love Letters of the Great War (Kirby)
RCC7243 Female Tommies: The Frontline Women of the First World War (Shipton)
RCC7527 The Women's Army Auxiliary Corps in France, 1917 - 1921. Women Urgently Wanted (Philo-Gill)
RCC7630 British Women's Work During The Great War. With a List of Women who Died on Active Service
RCC7632 Munition Lasses (Foxwell)
RCC7638 Singled Out. How Two Million Women Survived Without Men After the First World War (Nicholson)
RCC7663 Behind The Lines. Gender and the Two World Wars (Michel, Higonnet, Weitz, Jenson)
RCC7697 Pearls Before Poppies. The Story of the Red Cross Pearls (Trethewey)
RCC7746 The Honourable Women of the Great War and The Women's (War) Who's Who (Campion)
RCC7879 Women and the Great War (Frances, Scates)
RCC7883 Great War Fashion. Tales from the History Wardrobe (Adlington)
RCC7968 Women As Veterans in Britain and France after the First World War (Fell)
RCC7969 Women Workers in the First World War (Braybon)
RCC7990 Making Peace. The Reconstruction of Gender in Interwar Britain (KIngsley Kent)
RCC7991 Mobilizing Minerva. American Women in the First World War (Jensen)
RCC7994 Disloyal Mothers and Scurrilous Citizens: Women and Subversion During World War 1 (Kennedy)
RCC8048 Les femmes au temps de la guerre de 14 (Thebaud)
RCC8146 British Widows of the First World War The Forgotten Legion (Hetherington)