The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Women As Veterans in Britain and France after the First World War
Purchase Price
£22.60 (new)
Date Purchased
August 16, 2020
Cambridge University Press (2018, Cambridge)
This is the story of how women in France and Britain between 1915 and 1933 appropriated the cultural identity of female war veterans in order to have greater access to public life. These women attempted to present themselves as "female veterans", in order to to gain social advantages and to give themselves the right to speak about the war and its legacies. This book is part of the "Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare" series by Cambridge University Press; General Editor Professor Jay Winter of Yale University.
Purchase Price
£22.60 (new)
Date Purchased
August 16, 2020
Cambridge University Press (2018, Cambridge)
This is the story of how women in France and Britain between 1915 and 1933 appropriated the cultural identity of female war veterans in order to have greater access to public life. These women attempted to present themselves as "female veterans", in order to to gain social advantages and to give themselves the right to speak about the war and its legacies. This book is part of the "Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare" series by Cambridge University Press; General Editor Professor Jay Winter of Yale University.