The Russell Cawthorn Collection

RCC7856 Fall of the Sultanate. The Great War and the End of the Ottoman Empire, 1908 - 1922 (Gingeras)RCC7183 The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East, 1914 - 1920 (Rogan)
RCC7912 Shattering Empires. The Clash and Collapse of the Ottoman and Russian Empires 1908 - 1918 (Reynolds)
RCC7431 Jihad: The Ottomans and The Allies 1914 - 1922 (Hyde)
RCC7111 State, Faith and Nation in Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Lands (Anscombe)
RCC5841 The National Army Museum Book of The Turkish Front 1914-1918: The Campaigns at Gallipoli, in Mesopotamia and in Palestine (Carver)