The Russell Cawthorn Collection

RCC6067 The Great War and Modern Memory (Fussell)RCC6070 Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age (Eksteins)
RCC6202 The First World War and International Politics (Stevenson)
RCC6740 The Great War in History: Debates and Controversies, 1914 to the Present (Prost, Winter)
RCC6980 The Great War and the Making of the Moderrn World (Black)
RCC7093 The Long Shadow: The Great War and the Twentieth Century (Reynolds)
RCC7140 The Great War For Peace (Mulligan)
RCC6304 Understanding the Great War (Becker, Audoin-Rouzeau)
RCC6066 The Smoke and The Fire: Myths and Anti-Myths of War 1861 - 1945 (Terraine)
RCC7978 Nations, Identities and the First World War. Shifting Loyalties to the Fatherland (Wouters, van Ypersele)