The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Justifying Genocide Germany and the Armenians From Bismarck to Hitler
by Stefan Ihrig
Purchase Price
£35.00 (new)
Date Purchased
January 15, 2024
Harvard University Press (2015, Harvard, Mass & London)
This book is all about the Armenian Genocides perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire in the 1890s and also in 1915, in the middle of the war. The book concentrates on how these events were perceived by the Germans. The main theme of the book is that Germany did not deal with what was happening, especially during the war when the massacres were being carried out by its ally, in a satisfactory matter. The latter part of the book seeks to demonstrate that because the Ottomans, and later the Kemalists as they fought to establish modern Turkey, "got away with it", that was an important factor in the Nazis dreaming up and then implementing "The Final Solution" against the Jews, who as a race, they believed, equated with the Armenians. There are some disturbing graphic descriptions in the book of what it was that was done to the Armenians.
Purchase Price
£35.00 (new)
Date Purchased
January 15, 2024
Harvard University Press (2015, Harvard, Mass & London)
This book is all about the Armenian Genocides perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire in the 1890s and also in 1915, in the middle of the war. The book concentrates on how these events were perceived by the Germans. The main theme of the book is that Germany did not deal with what was happening, especially during the war when the massacres were being carried out by its ally, in a satisfactory matter. The latter part of the book seeks to demonstrate that because the Ottomans, and later the Kemalists as they fought to establish modern Turkey, "got away with it", that was an important factor in the Nazis dreaming up and then implementing "The Final Solution" against the Jews, who as a race, they believed, equated with the Armenians. There are some disturbing graphic descriptions in the book of what it was that was done to the Armenians.