The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Victory to Defeat. The British Army 1918 - 1940
by Richard?? Dannatt Robert Lyman
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
November 17, 2023
Osprey Publishing, am imprint of Bloomsbury (2023, Oxford & New York)
As the publisher's blurb says of this books: "(the book) clearly illustrates how the British Army was not prepared to fight a first-class European Army in 1939 for the simple reason that as a country Britain had not prepared itself to do so. The failure of the Army's leadership throughout the inter-war years led directly to the abysmal performances in Norway and France in 1940." This is by no means a new proposition. This book updates the thinking quite comprehensively and is a clear candidate for inclusion in the Collection. It underlines one of the most vital "consequences" of the Great War. For any student of how the First war was won, and how the Second war was nearly lost almost before it had got started, this book is vital reading.
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
November 17, 2023
Osprey Publishing, am imprint of Bloomsbury (2023, Oxford & New York)
As the publisher's blurb says of this books: "(the book) clearly illustrates how the British Army was not prepared to fight a first-class European Army in 1939 for the simple reason that as a country Britain had not prepared itself to do so. The failure of the Army's leadership throughout the inter-war years led directly to the abysmal performances in Norway and France in 1940." This is by no means a new proposition. This book updates the thinking quite comprehensively and is a clear candidate for inclusion in the Collection. It underlines one of the most vital "consequences" of the Great War. For any student of how the First war was won, and how the Second war was nearly lost almost before it had got started, this book is vital reading.