The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Holding Out The German Army and Operational Command in 1917
by Tony Cowan
Purchase Price
£30.00 (new)
Date Purchased
October 18, 2023
Cambridge University Press (2023, Cambridge)
This book is part of the "Cambridge Military Histories" Series, edited by Professor Gregory Daddis of San Diego State University, Professor Sir Hew Strachan of St. Andrews University and Professor Geoffrey Wawro of the University of North Texas. The book is a study of German operational command during a critical phase of the war, from November 1916 to the eve of the Battle of Third YPres. The situation faced by the Germans on the Western Front in 1917 was very different to that envisaged in pre-war doctrine. The book examines how the German commanders and staff officers adapted; this sheds light as to how the Germans were able to hold out so long in the war against increasing odds.
Purchase Price
£30.00 (new)
Date Purchased
October 18, 2023
Cambridge University Press (2023, Cambridge)
This book is part of the "Cambridge Military Histories" Series, edited by Professor Gregory Daddis of San Diego State University, Professor Sir Hew Strachan of St. Andrews University and Professor Geoffrey Wawro of the University of North Texas. The book is a study of German operational command during a critical phase of the war, from November 1916 to the eve of the Battle of Third YPres. The situation faced by the Germans on the Western Front in 1917 was very different to that envisaged in pre-war doctrine. The book examines how the German commanders and staff officers adapted; this sheds light as to how the Germans were able to hold out so long in the war against increasing odds.