The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The Lockhart Plot: Love, Betrayal, Assassination and Counter-Revolution in Lenin's Russia
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
October 7, 2021
Oxford University Press (2020, Oxford)
This book is about the same period in post-revolution Russian history as Barnes Carr's "The Lenin Plot" (q.v. in the Collection). Both books are by Americans: one a journalist, Carr's book is written in an extremely journalistic way, and it is unfortunately very prejudiced against the British. Schneer's book is a much more considered approach, and helps us understand the present Russian dislike of the West more easily. Lockhart started off by favouring Allied co-operation with the Bolsheviks, but events rather overtook him and he switched sides, which almost imperilled his life. It is interesting to consider where we would be in the world today if he had had his original way........
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
October 7, 2021
Oxford University Press (2020, Oxford)
This book is about the same period in post-revolution Russian history as Barnes Carr's "The Lenin Plot" (q.v. in the Collection). Both books are by Americans: one a journalist, Carr's book is written in an extremely journalistic way, and it is unfortunately very prejudiced against the British. Schneer's book is a much more considered approach, and helps us understand the present Russian dislike of the West more easily. Lockhart started off by favouring Allied co-operation with the Bolsheviks, but events rather overtook him and he switched sides, which almost imperilled his life. It is interesting to consider where we would be in the world today if he had had his original way........