The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The Lenin Plot. The Untold Story of America's Midnight War Against Russia
by Barnes Carr
Purchase Price
£20.00 (new)
Date Purchased
October 7, 2021
Amberley Publishing (2020, Stroud, Glos)
This book is actually about what is called "The Lockhart Plot" in a book by Jonathan Schneer about the same protagonists in the same sequence of events. That book is also to be found in the Collection. We strongly recommend that if you read this book, then you should also read the Schneer book. This is because Carr's book is written almost completely from an American standpoint; it is so slanted that in our opinion it fails to give a fair assessment of what is being described. In particular, Carr seems to have a very poor view of the British part in the episode. However, for all that, it is written in a very journalistic way and is undoubtedly a good read.
Purchase Price
£20.00 (new)
Date Purchased
October 7, 2021
Amberley Publishing (2020, Stroud, Glos)
This book is actually about what is called "The Lockhart Plot" in a book by Jonathan Schneer about the same protagonists in the same sequence of events. That book is also to be found in the Collection. We strongly recommend that if you read this book, then you should also read the Schneer book. This is because Carr's book is written almost completely from an American standpoint; it is so slanted that in our opinion it fails to give a fair assessment of what is being described. In particular, Carr seems to have a very poor view of the British part in the episode. However, for all that, it is written in a very journalistic way and is undoubtedly a good read.