The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Rupert Brooke in the First World War
by Alisa Miller
Purchase Price
£10.00 (new)
Date Purchased
August 29, 2021
Clemson University Press (2018, Clemson, South Carolina)
Rupert Brooke died in April 1915, on the eve of the Gallipoli landings. During the war, Brooke became the iconic soldier-poet adored and mimicked by readers and would-be writers This book considers how a celebrity of war - an idol for fellow writers, politicians, literary elites, and the general public - came to be, providing a fuller sense of the circumstances that enabled his fame, of the world he inhabited, and of the passions and tastes of men and women living through a period of great upheaval. This book was published in association with Liverpool University Press.
Purchase Price
£10.00 (new)
Date Purchased
August 29, 2021
Clemson University Press (2018, Clemson, South Carolina)
Rupert Brooke died in April 1915, on the eve of the Gallipoli landings. During the war, Brooke became the iconic soldier-poet adored and mimicked by readers and would-be writers This book considers how a celebrity of war - an idol for fellow writers, politicians, literary elites, and the general public - came to be, providing a fuller sense of the circumstances that enabled his fame, of the world he inhabited, and of the passions and tastes of men and women living through a period of great upheaval. This book was published in association with Liverpool University Press.