The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The Role of British Strategy in the Great War
by Charles Robert Mowbray Fraser Crutwell
Purchase Price
£15.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
April 28, 2021
Cambridge at the University Press (1936, London)
This book is the substance of lectures delivered in 1936 at Trinity College, Cambridge. The chapter headings are: "The British Tradition in Continental Coalitions"; Lost Opportunities and the War of Attrition"; "Bearing the Burden and the Heat of the Day"; "The Last Phase"; and "Conclusion".
Purchase Price
£15.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
April 28, 2021
Cambridge at the University Press (1936, London)
This book is the substance of lectures delivered in 1936 at Trinity College, Cambridge. The chapter headings are: "The British Tradition in Continental Coalitions"; Lost Opportunities and the War of Attrition"; "Bearing the Burden and the Heat of the Day"; "The Last Phase"; and "Conclusion".