The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The First World War and the Balkans. Historic Event, Experience, Memory
by Wolfgang Hoepken Wim van Meurs
Purchase Price
£37.13 (new)
Date Purchased
April 2, 2021
Peter Lang GmbH (2018, Berlin)
This is a collection of essays - some of them in German - which together seek to put the "event, experiences and memory" at its centre and thus seeks to integrate South-Eastern Europe more into the comparative picture of the Great War. The essays are as follows: Introduction 1. "Sarajewo und das Kriegsjahrzchut auf dem Balkan, 1908 - 1918" by Wolfgang Hoepken & Wim van Meurs (see "Authors"). Regime 2. "Similarities and Particularities of Hapsburg Occupation Regimes During the First World War (with special reference to Serbia)"; by Tamara Scheer, Ludwig Boltzman Institute for Social Science History, University of Vienna. 3. "Vereinigung und/oder Besatzung: Bulgariens Kriegsherrschaft in Makedonien 1915 - 1918" by Bjorn Opfer-Klinger, Sudosteuropahistoriker und Politikwissenschaftler, Schulbuchredaskteur beim Ernst Klett Verlag und freier Wissenschaftpublizist" 4. "Italian Plans for the Eastern Adriatic"; by Vicko Marelik, a Ph.D. student at the University of Vienna, and a freelance journalist. Warfare, Experience and Society 5. "Hunger, Diseases and Bulgarian Women's Revolts (1916 - 1918)"; by Snezhana Dimitrova, South-West University, Neofit Rilski, Bulgaria. 6. "Political Ideas of Young Bosnia: Between Anarchism, Socialism and Nationalism"; by Milos Vojinovic, Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Ph.D. student at the University of Belgrade. Remembering, Memory and History 7."From a People In Ourselves We Became a People For Ourselves (the post-war crisis in Bulgaria - Diagnosis, Criticism, Resolution"; by Evelina Kelbecheva, Professor of History at the American University in Bulgaria. 8. "Remembering Victory. The Case of Serbia/Yugoslavia"; by Danilo Sarenac, Ph.D., Institut for Contemporary History, Belgrad 9. "Heroes and Victims. The Commemorating the Great War in Rumania"; by Maria Bucur-Deckard, John W Hill Professor of East European History at Indiana University. 10. "The Three Faces of Gavrilo Princip. Representation of Princip in Yugoslav Cinema"; by Ivan Velisavljevic, an independent researcher.
Purchase Price
£37.13 (new)
Date Purchased
April 2, 2021
Peter Lang GmbH (2018, Berlin)
This is a collection of essays - some of them in German - which together seek to put the "event, experiences and memory" at its centre and thus seeks to integrate South-Eastern Europe more into the comparative picture of the Great War. The essays are as follows: Introduction 1. "Sarajewo und das Kriegsjahrzchut auf dem Balkan, 1908 - 1918" by Wolfgang Hoepken & Wim van Meurs (see "Authors"). Regime 2. "Similarities and Particularities of Hapsburg Occupation Regimes During the First World War (with special reference to Serbia)"; by Tamara Scheer, Ludwig Boltzman Institute for Social Science History, University of Vienna. 3. "Vereinigung und/oder Besatzung: Bulgariens Kriegsherrschaft in Makedonien 1915 - 1918" by Bjorn Opfer-Klinger, Sudosteuropahistoriker und Politikwissenschaftler, Schulbuchredaskteur beim Ernst Klett Verlag und freier Wissenschaftpublizist" 4. "Italian Plans for the Eastern Adriatic"; by Vicko Marelik, a Ph.D. student at the University of Vienna, and a freelance journalist. Warfare, Experience and Society 5. "Hunger, Diseases and Bulgarian Women's Revolts (1916 - 1918)"; by Snezhana Dimitrova, South-West University, Neofit Rilski, Bulgaria. 6. "Political Ideas of Young Bosnia: Between Anarchism, Socialism and Nationalism"; by Milos Vojinovic, Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, a Ph.D. student at the University of Belgrade. Remembering, Memory and History 7."From a People In Ourselves We Became a People For Ourselves (the post-war crisis in Bulgaria - Diagnosis, Criticism, Resolution"; by Evelina Kelbecheva, Professor of History at the American University in Bulgaria. 8. "Remembering Victory. The Case of Serbia/Yugoslavia"; by Danilo Sarenac, Ph.D., Institut for Contemporary History, Belgrad 9. "Heroes and Victims. The Commemorating the Great War in Rumania"; by Maria Bucur-Deckard, John W Hill Professor of East European History at Indiana University. 10. "The Three Faces of Gavrilo Princip. Representation of Princip in Yugoslav Cinema"; by Ivan Velisavljevic, an independent researcher.