The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Let Them Not Return. Sayfo - The Genocide against the Assyrian, Syriac and Chaldean Christians in the Ottoman Empire
by David Gaunt Naures Atto Soner B. Barthoma
Purchase Price
£22.40 (new)
Date Purchased
March 23, 2021
Berghahn Books (2017, New York & Oxford)
This book is part of the Berghahn Series "Studies on War and Genocide", General Editors Omer Bartov of Brown University and A. Dirk Moses, University of Sydney. The book is a series of essays by a wide range of authors on the book's subject, which is expressed neatly in its title. Theses essays are as follows: Introduction: "Contextualising the Sayfo with the First World War"; by The Editors (see "Authors"). 1. "How Armenian was the 1915 Genocide?"; by Ugur Umit Ungor, Associate Professor in the Department of History at Utrecht University, and a Research Fellow at the IIIOD: Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam. 2. "Sayfo Genocide : The Culmination of an Anatolian Culture of Violence"; by David Gaunt (see "Authors") 3. "The Resistance of Urmia Assyrians to the Violence at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century"; by Florence Hellot-Bellier, a member of the Research Team "Mondes iranien et indien" (Paris, CRNS) and works on the modern history of Iran. 4. "Mor Dyonysios 'Abd an-Nur Aslan: Church Leader During a Genocide"": by Jan J. van Ginkel, a Research Fellow at the Vrije Universiteit (VU University) in Amsterdam. 5. "Syriac Orthodox Leadership in the Post-Genocide Period (1918-1926) and the Removal of the Patriarchate from Turkey": by Naures Atto and Soner O. Barthoma (see "Authors"). 6. "Sayfo, Firman, Qafle - The First World War from the Perspective of Syriac Christians"; by Shabo Tulay, Professor of Semitic Studies at the Freie Universitat in Berlin 7. "A Historical Note of October 1915 Written in Dayro D-Zafaram ("Deyrul Zafaran")"; by Sebastian Brock, Emeritus Reader in Syriac Studies at Oxford University and Emeritus Fellow of Woolfson College, Oxford. 8. "Interpretation of the "Sayfo" in Gallo Shabo's Poem"; by Simon Birol, a Ph.D. Candidate at the Ruhr-University Bochum. 9. "The Psychological Legacy of the Sayfo: an Intergenerational Transmission of Fear and Distrust"; by Onver A. Cetrez, Senior Lecturer at Upsala University and between 2014 and 2016 Deputy Director of the Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul. 10. "Sayfo and Denialism: A New Field of Activity for Agents of the Turkish Republic"; by Racho Donef, and Independent Researcher who held a doctorate in anthropology. 11. "Turkey's Key Arguments in Denying the Assyrian Genocide"; by Abdulmesih BarAbraham, who held an M.A. degree from the University of Erlangen/Nurnberg . He was Chairman of the Trustee Board of the Yoken-Bar-Yoken Foundation and of the Mor Afrem Foundation. 12. "Who Killed Whom? A Comparison of Political Discussions in France and Sweden about the Genocide of 1915"; by Christophe Premat, a Lecturer in Cultural Studies in the Department of Romance Studies and Classics in Stockholm University, and Associate Researcher in Political Sciences at the Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux.
Purchase Price
£22.40 (new)
Date Purchased
March 23, 2021
Berghahn Books (2017, New York & Oxford)
This book is part of the Berghahn Series "Studies on War and Genocide", General Editors Omer Bartov of Brown University and A. Dirk Moses, University of Sydney. The book is a series of essays by a wide range of authors on the book's subject, which is expressed neatly in its title. Theses essays are as follows: Introduction: "Contextualising the Sayfo with the First World War"; by The Editors (see "Authors"). 1. "How Armenian was the 1915 Genocide?"; by Ugur Umit Ungor, Associate Professor in the Department of History at Utrecht University, and a Research Fellow at the IIIOD: Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam. 2. "Sayfo Genocide : The Culmination of an Anatolian Culture of Violence"; by David Gaunt (see "Authors") 3. "The Resistance of Urmia Assyrians to the Violence at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century"; by Florence Hellot-Bellier, a member of the Research Team "Mondes iranien et indien" (Paris, CRNS) and works on the modern history of Iran. 4. "Mor Dyonysios 'Abd an-Nur Aslan: Church Leader During a Genocide"": by Jan J. van Ginkel, a Research Fellow at the Vrije Universiteit (VU University) in Amsterdam. 5. "Syriac Orthodox Leadership in the Post-Genocide Period (1918-1926) and the Removal of the Patriarchate from Turkey": by Naures Atto and Soner O. Barthoma (see "Authors"). 6. "Sayfo, Firman, Qafle - The First World War from the Perspective of Syriac Christians"; by Shabo Tulay, Professor of Semitic Studies at the Freie Universitat in Berlin 7. "A Historical Note of October 1915 Written in Dayro D-Zafaram ("Deyrul Zafaran")"; by Sebastian Brock, Emeritus Reader in Syriac Studies at Oxford University and Emeritus Fellow of Woolfson College, Oxford. 8. "Interpretation of the "Sayfo" in Gallo Shabo's Poem"; by Simon Birol, a Ph.D. Candidate at the Ruhr-University Bochum. 9. "The Psychological Legacy of the Sayfo: an Intergenerational Transmission of Fear and Distrust"; by Onver A. Cetrez, Senior Lecturer at Upsala University and between 2014 and 2016 Deputy Director of the Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul. 10. "Sayfo and Denialism: A New Field of Activity for Agents of the Turkish Republic"; by Racho Donef, and Independent Researcher who held a doctorate in anthropology. 11. "Turkey's Key Arguments in Denying the Assyrian Genocide"; by Abdulmesih BarAbraham, who held an M.A. degree from the University of Erlangen/Nurnberg . He was Chairman of the Trustee Board of the Yoken-Bar-Yoken Foundation and of the Mor Afrem Foundation. 12. "Who Killed Whom? A Comparison of Political Discussions in France and Sweden about the Genocide of 1915"; by Christophe Premat, a Lecturer in Cultural Studies in the Department of Romance Studies and Classics in Stockholm University, and Associate Researcher in Political Sciences at the Institute of Political Studies of Bordeaux.