The Russell Cawthorn Collection

French War Aims Against Germany 1914 - 1919
Purchase Price
£30.00 (new)
Date Purchased
June 11, 2020
Oxford University Press (1982, Oxford)
This book, by a David Stevenson nearer the beginning of his career as opposed to the end, filled an important gap in the study of International Relations by turning the attention which was usually concentrated on the war aims of Germany and Great Britain to those of France. Stevenson examines French Foreign Policy during the First World War, and the peace conditions which the French Government intended to impose on Germany in the event of victory. The book was the first general study of the subject.
Purchase Price
£30.00 (new)
Date Purchased
June 11, 2020
Oxford University Press (1982, Oxford)
This book, by a David Stevenson nearer the beginning of his career as opposed to the end, filled an important gap in the study of International Relations by turning the attention which was usually concentrated on the war aims of Germany and Great Britain to those of France. Stevenson examines French Foreign Policy during the First World War, and the peace conditions which the French Government intended to impose on Germany in the event of victory. The book was the first general study of the subject.