The Russell Cawthorn Collection

July 1914. Soldiers, Statesmen, and the Coming of the Great War. A Brief Documentary History
by Russel Van Wyk Samuel R. Williamson Jr
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£0.00 (new)
Date Purchased
April 2, 2020
Bedford/St. Martin's (2003, Boston & New York)
This book is part of the Bedford Series in History and Culture. The book is approaching 270 pages of original sources of memoirs, diaries, government documents, newspaper editorials, and other contemporary accounts which are intended to introduce the reader to the decision makers and decision making in the Summer of 1914. It focuses on the interaction between two leading participants - one civilian, one military - in each of the great powers, plus in Serbia. It explores how individuals, not governments and imperial forces, actually contributed to the rapidly escalating crisis.
Purchase Price
£0.00 (new)
Date Purchased
April 2, 2020
Bedford/St. Martin's (2003, Boston & New York)
This book is part of the Bedford Series in History and Culture. The book is approaching 270 pages of original sources of memoirs, diaries, government documents, newspaper editorials, and other contemporary accounts which are intended to introduce the reader to the decision makers and decision making in the Summer of 1914. It focuses on the interaction between two leading participants - one civilian, one military - in each of the great powers, plus in Serbia. It explores how individuals, not governments and imperial forces, actually contributed to the rapidly escalating crisis.