The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The Fortress: The Great Siege of Przemysl
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
November 23, 2019
Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books (2019, London)
A thorough study of Przemysl was long overdue, but then the Eastern Front would always win the prize for the most neglected theatre of operations in the Great War. But the great fortress of Przemysl was, strategically, of major importance to both sides, initially at least for the Austro-Hungarians as defenders and the Russians as attackers. In the first few months of the war, the Austro-Hungarians suffered some 800,00 casualties, with the Russian casualties not much less, in the operations centred on Przemysl. It truly shaped the course of Europe's future. It stands comparison with Stalingrad in a later conflict. Watson presents the story of this massive fortress's role at the beginning of the war in a very accessible way, both for academics and interested amateur military historians. He also traces the events of the years that followed, up to and including the Second World War; since those events, starting with the siege by the Russians in the Autumn and Winter of 1914, bore with them major influences in the making of our modern world; that is one of the main purposes we have in building up this Collection.
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
November 23, 2019
Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Books (2019, London)
A thorough study of Przemysl was long overdue, but then the Eastern Front would always win the prize for the most neglected theatre of operations in the Great War. But the great fortress of Przemysl was, strategically, of major importance to both sides, initially at least for the Austro-Hungarians as defenders and the Russians as attackers. In the first few months of the war, the Austro-Hungarians suffered some 800,00 casualties, with the Russian casualties not much less, in the operations centred on Przemysl. It truly shaped the course of Europe's future. It stands comparison with Stalingrad in a later conflict. Watson presents the story of this massive fortress's role at the beginning of the war in a very accessible way, both for academics and interested amateur military historians. He also traces the events of the years that followed, up to and including the Second World War; since those events, starting with the siege by the Russians in the Autumn and Winter of 1914, bore with them major influences in the making of our modern world; that is one of the main purposes we have in building up this Collection.