The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Military Technology of the First World War. Development, Use and Consequences.
Purchase Price
£4.99 (new)
Date Purchased
August 24, 2019
Pen & Sword Military (2017, Barnsley, South Yorks)
This book was originally published as "Militartechnik des Ersten Weltkriegs - Entwicklung, Einsatz, Kosequenzen" So this is a German book by a German author. Because of that, the book is very valuable as it studies machine guns, trench warfare, artillery, tanks, chemical warfare, mortars, flamethrowers, and motor vehicles used by both sides, mostly in some detail. It is well written and has many photographs, some of them unusual to eyes more used to looking at images from the Allied side.
Purchase Price
£4.99 (new)
Date Purchased
August 24, 2019
Pen & Sword Military (2017, Barnsley, South Yorks)
This book was originally published as "Militartechnik des Ersten Weltkriegs - Entwicklung, Einsatz, Kosequenzen" So this is a German book by a German author. Because of that, the book is very valuable as it studies machine guns, trench warfare, artillery, tanks, chemical warfare, mortars, flamethrowers, and motor vehicles used by both sides, mostly in some detail. It is well written and has many photographs, some of them unusual to eyes more used to looking at images from the Allied side.