The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Canadian Expeditionary Force 1914 - 1919. Official History of the Canadian Army in the First World War
Purchase Price
£34.00 (new)
Date Purchased
May 21, 2019
McGill-Queen's University Press (2015, Montreal & Kingston, London, Chicago)
This is No. 235 in the Carleton Library Series. The book was first published in 1962 by Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, Ottawa. Immediately after the Armistice, Colonel A. Fortescue Duguid made a first attempt to write an Official History of the war, but the ill-fated project ultimately produced only one of an anticipated eight volumes. Decades later Nicholson was commissioned to write the Official History. The book is illustrated with numerous photographs and full colour maps. There is a critical Introduction by Mark Osborne Humphries.
Purchase Price
£34.00 (new)
Date Purchased
May 21, 2019
McGill-Queen's University Press (2015, Montreal & Kingston, London, Chicago)
This is No. 235 in the Carleton Library Series. The book was first published in 1962 by Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, Ottawa. Immediately after the Armistice, Colonel A. Fortescue Duguid made a first attempt to write an Official History of the war, but the ill-fated project ultimately produced only one of an anticipated eight volumes. Decades later Nicholson was commissioned to write the Official History. The book is illustrated with numerous photographs and full colour maps. There is a critical Introduction by Mark Osborne Humphries.