The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The German 66th Regiment in the First World War. The German Perspective
by Otto Korfes
Purchase Price
£6.99 (new)
Date Purchased
May 21, 2019
The History Press (2016, Stroud, Gloucestershire)
This book was originally published in 1930 by Tradition Publishing - Wilhelm Kolk/Berlin SW48. Its title then was "The Regiments of the Imperial German Army during the Great War. The Prussian Army, Volume 302. The 3rd Magdeburg Infantry Regiment Nr 66". This present version is a translation by Terence Zuber. The Collection does not have any book like this - which is a German Unit History covering the whole period of the war, even the march back to Germany following the Armistice. It is a very detailed book and is an excellent view into what the German side of the wire was really like.
Purchase Price
£6.99 (new)
Date Purchased
May 21, 2019
The History Press (2016, Stroud, Gloucestershire)
This book was originally published in 1930 by Tradition Publishing - Wilhelm Kolk/Berlin SW48. Its title then was "The Regiments of the Imperial German Army during the Great War. The Prussian Army, Volume 302. The 3rd Magdeburg Infantry Regiment Nr 66". This present version is a translation by Terence Zuber. The Collection does not have any book like this - which is a German Unit History covering the whole period of the war, even the march back to Germany following the Armistice. It is a very detailed book and is an excellent view into what the German side of the wire was really like.