The Russell Cawthorn Collection

From Marne to Verdun. The War Diary of Captain Charles Delvert 101st Infantry
Purchase Price
£5.99 (new)
Date Purchased
May 21, 2019
Pen & Sword Military (2016, Barnsley, South Yorks)
This book is translated from the French, and has an Introduction, by Ian Sumner. The diary kept by Delvert throughout the war first appeared in 1918 as "Histoire d'une Compagnie: Main de Massiges - Verdun: Novembre 1915 - Juin 1916: journal de marche" (Paris - Berger-Levrault).. The revised and extended version which is represented by this book was first published as "Carnets d'un fantassin" (Paris, Albin MIchel, 1935). This book might have been placed in our "Personal Accounts" category, but it is pretty clear that it gives a lot of information about the French Army and its methods, so that is why it is where it is. The book is very well written (and translated) it is eminently readable, and is fascinating to read as it shows how the other main participant on the Western Front fought its war.
Purchase Price
£5.99 (new)
Date Purchased
May 21, 2019
Pen & Sword Military (2016, Barnsley, South Yorks)
This book is translated from the French, and has an Introduction, by Ian Sumner. The diary kept by Delvert throughout the war first appeared in 1918 as "Histoire d'une Compagnie: Main de Massiges - Verdun: Novembre 1915 - Juin 1916: journal de marche" (Paris - Berger-Levrault).. The revised and extended version which is represented by this book was first published as "Carnets d'un fantassin" (Paris, Albin MIchel, 1935). This book might have been placed in our "Personal Accounts" category, but it is pretty clear that it gives a lot of information about the French Army and its methods, so that is why it is where it is. The book is very well written (and translated) it is eminently readable, and is fascinating to read as it shows how the other main participant on the Western Front fought its war.