The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Was It Yesterday? Memoirs of the 1914-1918 War
by A.M. Bown
Purchase Price
£11.99 (new)
Date Purchased
March 26, 2019
YouCaxton Publications (2015, Oxford & Shrewsbury)
This book was originally published by John Hamilton in 1928/29 and printed by Chance & Bland Limited of Gloucester. WE take in very few personal accounts these days, there are so many. But some are worth taking in, for various reasons, and this is one. The book is written as a novel, but it is based completely and accurately on Bown's experiences. It is therefore a very accurate account of what life for an artillery subaltern on the Western Front was really like, and as such it warrants a place in the Collection. Bown keeps the deepest respect for his fellow soldiers throughout, and that includes everyone, not just his fellow officers.
Purchase Price
£11.99 (new)
Date Purchased
March 26, 2019
YouCaxton Publications (2015, Oxford & Shrewsbury)
This book was originally published by John Hamilton in 1928/29 and printed by Chance & Bland Limited of Gloucester. WE take in very few personal accounts these days, there are so many. But some are worth taking in, for various reasons, and this is one. The book is written as a novel, but it is based completely and accurately on Bown's experiences. It is therefore a very accurate account of what life for an artillery subaltern on the Western Front was really like, and as such it warrants a place in the Collection. Bown keeps the deepest respect for his fellow soldiers throughout, and that includes everyone, not just his fellow officers.