The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Steel and Tartan. The 4th Cameron Highlanders in the Great War
by Patrick Watt
Purchase Price
£16.99 (new)
Date Purchased
April 15, 2019
The History Press (2012, Stroud, Gloucestershire)
This book is a straightforward history of this battalion, which was a Territorial one, in fact it was the only Territorial battalion of this regiment to serve in France. The battalion, along with other under-strength units, was disbanded in the Spring of 1916, against a promise that a significant number of men would be drafted to the 1st (regular) battalion, which was the only Cameronian Highlanders unit with more seniority than the 4th. The battalion, whilst it was at the front between February 1915 and March 1916, was a typical, steady, Highland unit.
Purchase Price
£16.99 (new)
Date Purchased
April 15, 2019
The History Press (2012, Stroud, Gloucestershire)
This book is a straightforward history of this battalion, which was a Territorial one, in fact it was the only Territorial battalion of this regiment to serve in France. The battalion, along with other under-strength units, was disbanded in the Spring of 1916, against a promise that a significant number of men would be drafted to the 1st (regular) battalion, which was the only Cameronian Highlanders unit with more seniority than the 4th. The battalion, whilst it was at the front between February 1915 and March 1916, was a typical, steady, Highland unit.