The Russell Cawthorn Collection

A Battle Too Far. Arras 1917
by Don Farr
Purchase Price
£12.99 (new)
Date Purchased
November 2, 2018
Helion & Company Limited (2018, Warwick)
This is a well written and comprehensive account of the Battle of Arras, which is all encompassing. It deals with the First Battle of The Scarpe, Vimy Ridge, The First Battle of Bullecourt, The Nivelle Offensives, The Second Battle of The Aisne, (Chemin des Dames), The Second Battle of The Scarpe, The Battle of Arleux, The Third Battle of The Scarpe, and the Second Battle of Bullecourt.
Purchase Price
£12.99 (new)
Date Purchased
November 2, 2018
Helion & Company Limited (2018, Warwick)
This is a well written and comprehensive account of the Battle of Arras, which is all encompassing. It deals with the First Battle of The Scarpe, Vimy Ridge, The First Battle of Bullecourt, The Nivelle Offensives, The Second Battle of The Aisne, (Chemin des Dames), The Second Battle of The Scarpe, The Battle of Arleux, The Third Battle of The Scarpe, and the Second Battle of Bullecourt.