The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The Welsh Regiment of Foot Guards 1915 - 1918
Purchase Price
£20.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
September 4, 2018
John Murray (1936, London)
This book has a Preface by Lieutenant-Colonel M. Beckwith-Smith, the Commanding Officer of the Welsh Guards in 1936 when the book was published. In his Preface he records that the original history of the Welsh Guards was out of print and he asked Major Dudley Ward to write this book because there was a need for a book within the means of the 2,000 or more Welsh Guardsmen still then living who laid the foundation of the history of the regiment in the Great War. It does not pretend to be a full history: it was written mainly for regimental use. It is only 140 pages long but it is nevertheless a very good account of this very new formation's war.
Purchase Price
£20.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
September 4, 2018
John Murray (1936, London)
This book has a Preface by Lieutenant-Colonel M. Beckwith-Smith, the Commanding Officer of the Welsh Guards in 1936 when the book was published. In his Preface he records that the original history of the Welsh Guards was out of print and he asked Major Dudley Ward to write this book because there was a need for a book within the means of the 2,000 or more Welsh Guardsmen still then living who laid the foundation of the history of the regiment in the Great War. It does not pretend to be a full history: it was written mainly for regimental use. It is only 140 pages long but it is nevertheless a very good account of this very new formation's war.