The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Fallen on The Somme. The War Diary of 2nd Lieutenant Harold Harding Linzell MC, 7th Border Regiment
by M.A. Argyle
Purchase Price
£6.50 (second hand)
Date Purchased
September 4, 2018
Privately Published (1981, Not applicable)
This was a privately published book, limited to 1,000 copies. It is the diary of Linzell between 1st January 1916 and 30th June 1916. It is a day by day account of the life of a subaltern in the trenches, with various comments about what was happening in the wider world. There are some interesting photographs and drawings/plans put in to accompany the text. The diary finishes on 30th June 1916, as Linzell was killed on the First Day of The Somme. We are very sparing about bringing in personal accounts/diaries to The Collection - there are so many. But there will always be exceptions and this is one of them.
Purchase Price
£6.50 (second hand)
Date Purchased
September 4, 2018
Privately Published (1981, Not applicable)
This was a privately published book, limited to 1,000 copies. It is the diary of Linzell between 1st January 1916 and 30th June 1916. It is a day by day account of the life of a subaltern in the trenches, with various comments about what was happening in the wider world. There are some interesting photographs and drawings/plans put in to accompany the text. The diary finishes on 30th June 1916, as Linzell was killed on the First Day of The Somme. We are very sparing about bringing in personal accounts/diaries to The Collection - there are so many. But there will always be exceptions and this is one of them.