The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Pandora's Box. A History of the First World War
Purchase Price
£28.95 (new)
Date Purchased
July 23, 2018
The Bellknap Press of Harvard University Press (2018, Cambridge, Mass, and London)
This book was first published as "Die Buchse der Pandora; Geschichte des Ersten Weltkriegs" by Verlag C H Beck oHG, MUnchen, in 2014. The book was translated by Patrick Camiller. It is a monumental (over 1,000 pages) history of the war from the German perspective. One of the reviewers of the book said "this book is gracefully written, deeply researched, and is constantly illuminating. It is a wonderful book, filled with new information and insights". We would not dispute that,the book is an important one from the Collection's point of view simply because it is written by a German academic. It accordingly has a different perspective on the subject. We would like more of the same across the board!
Purchase Price
£28.95 (new)
Date Purchased
July 23, 2018
The Bellknap Press of Harvard University Press (2018, Cambridge, Mass, and London)
This book was first published as "Die Buchse der Pandora; Geschichte des Ersten Weltkriegs" by Verlag C H Beck oHG, MUnchen, in 2014. The book was translated by Patrick Camiller. It is a monumental (over 1,000 pages) history of the war from the German perspective. One of the reviewers of the book said "this book is gracefully written, deeply researched, and is constantly illuminating. It is a wonderful book, filled with new information and insights". We would not dispute that,the book is an important one from the Collection's point of view simply because it is written by a German academic. It accordingly has a different perspective on the subject. We would like more of the same across the board!