The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Lest We Forget. Remembrance and Commemoration
by Charles Bagott Jewitt Nigel Hunt Maggie Andrews
Purchase Price
£2.00 (new)
Date Purchased
July 1, 2018
The History Press (2011, Stroud, Glos)
This book looks at how we remember, not only those who died in battle, but also those whose memory is important to us in other ways. So this is a wide ranging review, which deals with the Great War but also many other conflicts/episodes in various locations around the world. Far from making this book less interesting, and valuable, to The Collection, it has the exact opposite effect. There are 33 separate contributions from a disparate collection of authors.
Purchase Price
£2.00 (new)
Date Purchased
July 1, 2018
The History Press (2011, Stroud, Glos)
This book looks at how we remember, not only those who died in battle, but also those whose memory is important to us in other ways. So this is a wide ranging review, which deals with the Great War but also many other conflicts/episodes in various locations around the world. Far from making this book less interesting, and valuable, to The Collection, it has the exact opposite effect. There are 33 separate contributions from a disparate collection of authors.