The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The Empire Must Die. Russia's Revolutionary Collapse, 1900 - 1917
Purchase Price
£22.99 (new)
Date Purchased
February 16, 2018
Public Affairs an imprint of Perseus Books (2017, New York)
In his Preface, the author states that he is not a historian, but a journalist. He also protests that the book is not an academic work. However, one hundred years on from the end of his chosen period (1900 - 1917), this is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of that crucial period of Russian history, which is why this particular book has passed our "is it really relevant" test. It therefore finds its place in The Collection. The book is written by a native Russian, which makes it even better, and we consider it just as relevant, if not more so, than the more than a few academic books on the subject recently issued. The translation, by Thomas Hodson, is particyularly good.
Purchase Price
£22.99 (new)
Date Purchased
February 16, 2018
Public Affairs an imprint of Perseus Books (2017, New York)
In his Preface, the author states that he is not a historian, but a journalist. He also protests that the book is not an academic work. However, one hundred years on from the end of his chosen period (1900 - 1917), this is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of that crucial period of Russian history, which is why this particular book has passed our "is it really relevant" test. It therefore finds its place in The Collection. The book is written by a native Russian, which makes it even better, and we consider it just as relevant, if not more so, than the more than a few academic books on the subject recently issued. The translation, by Thomas Hodson, is particyularly good.