The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Escape From Villingen, 1918
Purchase Price
£6.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
January 22, 2018
Texas A & M University Press (2000, College Station)
This is the story of 13 American officers who made a mass escape from the German POW Camp at Villingen, near the Swiss Border. Only 3 of this number made a successful escape, the rest were captured. A book about US officers as POWs in First World War Germany is fairly rare, one about a (partial) escape into a neutral country is even rarer - which is why this book is in The Collection.
Purchase Price
£6.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
January 22, 2018
Texas A & M University Press (2000, College Station)
This is the story of 13 American officers who made a mass escape from the German POW Camp at Villingen, near the Swiss Border. Only 3 of this number made a successful escape, the rest were captured. A book about US officers as POWs in First World War Germany is fairly rare, one about a (partial) escape into a neutral country is even rarer - which is why this book is in The Collection.