The Russell Cawthorn Collection

African Kaiser. General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck and The Great War in Africa
by Robert Gaudi
Purchase Price
£20.00 (new)
Date Purchased
August 24, 2017
C. Hurst & Co (Publishers) Ltd (2017, London)
This is a new book on possibly one of the best German generals of the war, although, of course, his area of operations was very unique and subjective. He is also, possibly, a general whose name is well known to historians but there has been relatively little academic treatment of him, which is why we regard this book as a great addition to The Collection. There have been previous studies of Lettow-Vorbeck, but we would say that this one is well overdue. The book could have sat quite easily in our "Biography and Autobiography" Category, but any story about this general is mainly the story of his war in East Africa, so that is why it is in our "Africa" Category.
Purchase Price
£20.00 (new)
Date Purchased
August 24, 2017
C. Hurst & Co (Publishers) Ltd (2017, London)
This is a new book on possibly one of the best German generals of the war, although, of course, his area of operations was very unique and subjective. He is also, possibly, a general whose name is well known to historians but there has been relatively little academic treatment of him, which is why we regard this book as a great addition to The Collection. There have been previous studies of Lettow-Vorbeck, but we would say that this one is well overdue. The book could have sat quite easily in our "Biography and Autobiography" Category, but any story about this general is mainly the story of his war in East Africa, so that is why it is in our "Africa" Category.