The Russell Cawthorn Collection

by Ludwig Renn
Purchase Price
£7.50 (second hand)
Date Purchased
August 5, 2017
Martin Secher (1929, London)
This is technically a novel written by von Golsenau under the assumed name of Ludwig Renn. However, given von Golsenau's war record (see his biographical notes under "Authors"), it is likely to be very accurate as to what is described, and to be very close to what he himself experienced in the war. It is therefore a most valuable addition to The Collection, being the view from across the wire, and despite being dressed up as a "novel", it is always going to be a good representation of what the Western Front (and the book covers most of the period of the war) was like from the German side. The book was translated by Willa and Edwin Muir, and was first published in Germany in 1929 by Frankfurter Societate-Druckerer, Frankfurt.
Purchase Price
£7.50 (second hand)
Date Purchased
August 5, 2017
Martin Secher (1929, London)
This is technically a novel written by von Golsenau under the assumed name of Ludwig Renn. However, given von Golsenau's war record (see his biographical notes under "Authors"), it is likely to be very accurate as to what is described, and to be very close to what he himself experienced in the war. It is therefore a most valuable addition to The Collection, being the view from across the wire, and despite being dressed up as a "novel", it is always going to be a good representation of what the Western Front (and the book covers most of the period of the war) was like from the German side. The book was translated by Willa and Edwin Muir, and was first published in Germany in 1929 by Frankfurter Societate-Druckerer, Frankfurt.