The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Wherever The Firing Line Extends: Ireland and The Western Front
Purchase Price
£19.99 (new)
Date Purchased
July 13, 2017
The History Press, Ireland (2017, Dublin)
This is the story of the Irish contribution to the fighting on the Western Front. There are chapters on various aspects of the Irish input, some well known, others less so. It is well written (by a professional journalist) and read on its own, it could give the reader a more than reasonable overview of what happened on the Western Front. Taken from the strictly Irish aspect, of course, it is an important contribution to our bibliography of the Western Front.
Purchase Price
£19.99 (new)
Date Purchased
July 13, 2017
The History Press, Ireland (2017, Dublin)
This is the story of the Irish contribution to the fighting on the Western Front. There are chapters on various aspects of the Irish input, some well known, others less so. It is well written (by a professional journalist) and read on its own, it could give the reader a more than reasonable overview of what happened on the Western Front. Taken from the strictly Irish aspect, of course, it is an important contribution to our bibliography of the Western Front.