The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Passchendaele: A New History
by Nick Lloyd
Purchase Price
£20.00 (new)
Date Purchased
June 7, 2017
Viking, part of Penguin Random House (2017, London)
This book was published just a few months prior to the centenary of the Battle. It was not the only major new study published at that time, and The Collection already had a good selection of books on Third Ypres - so why should we add another one to this sub-category? The answer is that this book takes a significantly different slant on the Battle. Using significant research into German source material, Lloyd highlights just how close the Germans came to making a strategic retreat in Belgium because of the push from the Allies. So perhaps we should look with a little bit more cynicism on the usual criticisms of Haig and his generals. Did this Battle, after all, illustrate how effective British tactics and operations had become (to be honed further during The Hundred Days)? This is a very interesting book which may change our perspective on the Battle.
Purchase Price
£20.00 (new)
Date Purchased
June 7, 2017
Viking, part of Penguin Random House (2017, London)
This book was published just a few months prior to the centenary of the Battle. It was not the only major new study published at that time, and The Collection already had a good selection of books on Third Ypres - so why should we add another one to this sub-category? The answer is that this book takes a significantly different slant on the Battle. Using significant research into German source material, Lloyd highlights just how close the Germans came to making a strategic retreat in Belgium because of the push from the Allies. So perhaps we should look with a little bit more cynicism on the usual criticisms of Haig and his generals. Did this Battle, after all, illustrate how effective British tactics and operations had become (to be honed further during The Hundred Days)? This is a very interesting book which may change our perspective on the Battle.