The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Gunner on The Somme: The Memoir of William Robert Price, 1st South Midland
Purchase Price
£20.00 (new)
Date Purchased
April 27, 2017
The History Press (2016, Stroud, Glos)
WE have placed this book in the "Artillery" category as opposed to "Personal Accounts", because we have precious little about the Gunners in The Collection and this is a really comprehensive story of the life of the artillery. There is a Foreword by Price's grandson, Jeremy Davidson, and an Introduction and Commentary by Mark Pottle, who had edited several previous Great War texts, and we are grateful to him for giving this story, which was in the IWM Archives, greater publicity.
Purchase Price
£20.00 (new)
Date Purchased
April 27, 2017
The History Press (2016, Stroud, Glos)
WE have placed this book in the "Artillery" category as opposed to "Personal Accounts", because we have precious little about the Gunners in The Collection and this is a really comprehensive story of the life of the artillery. There is a Foreword by Price's grandson, Jeremy Davidson, and an Introduction and Commentary by Mark Pottle, who had edited several previous Great War texts, and we are grateful to him for giving this story, which was in the IWM Archives, greater publicity.