The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Battle Honours Awarded For The Great War
Purchase Price
£5.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
March 16, 2017
HMSO (1925, London)
This book is a 1992 reprint by Ray Westlake Military Books of Newport, Gwent of the original booklet published in 1920 by John Murray, London. The book is a list of every regiment, of whatever description - cavalry, infantry, Guards, London, English County, Welsh, Irish, and Scottish which took part in the war - every single one of them - (and each one, helpfully, with a note of the number of battalions raised in the regiment), and a complete list of all the battle honours each one of them were awarded.
Purchase Price
£5.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
March 16, 2017
HMSO (1925, London)
This book is a 1992 reprint by Ray Westlake Military Books of Newport, Gwent of the original booklet published in 1920 by John Murray, London. The book is a list of every regiment, of whatever description - cavalry, infantry, Guards, London, English County, Welsh, Irish, and Scottish which took part in the war - every single one of them - (and each one, helpfully, with a note of the number of battalions raised in the regiment), and a complete list of all the battle honours each one of them were awarded.