The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Purchase Price
£35.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
February 17, 2017
Selwyn & Blount (1928) Ltd (1931, London)
This is an early biography of Franz Ferdinand. It is written by someone (his personal physician) who was in his company for many years, and who thus might be expected to have a rather slanted view of the man. The publisher protests that the author defends a character who during his life - and in the circumstances, following it, was much maligned. The reader has to decide whether this defence strays beyond reasonable limits.
Purchase Price
£35.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
February 17, 2017
Selwyn & Blount (1928) Ltd (1931, London)
This is an early biography of Franz Ferdinand. It is written by someone (his personal physician) who was in his company for many years, and who thus might be expected to have a rather slanted view of the man. The publisher protests that the author defends a character who during his life - and in the circumstances, following it, was much maligned. The reader has to decide whether this defence strays beyond reasonable limits.