The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Politics and The Peasantry in Post-War Turkey. Social History, Culture and Modernisation
Purchase Price
£54.88 (new)
Date Purchased
December 12, 2016
I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd (2017, London & New York)
This book looks at the period mainly between 1945 and 1960, so one might ask - "why is it in The Collection?" The answer is that it does trace the state of the general working population of the country ("The Peasantry") back through to what happened in the immediate Post-World War 1 period. The book may help in tracing the condition of the modern, post World War 1, state of Turkey, thus forming one link between the end of the war and the present time. Turkey is a complex country, not only through and immediately after World War 1, but also in modern times, and this book may help the student to understand Turkey's attitude to the modern Middle East.
Purchase Price
£54.88 (new)
Date Purchased
December 12, 2016
I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd (2017, London & New York)
This book looks at the period mainly between 1945 and 1960, so one might ask - "why is it in The Collection?" The answer is that it does trace the state of the general working population of the country ("The Peasantry") back through to what happened in the immediate Post-World War 1 period. The book may help in tracing the condition of the modern, post World War 1, state of Turkey, thus forming one link between the end of the war and the present time. Turkey is a complex country, not only through and immediately after World War 1, but also in modern times, and this book may help the student to understand Turkey's attitude to the modern Middle East.