The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The Great War and The Middle East - A Strategic Study
by Rob Johnson
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
October 17, 2016
Oxford University Press (2016, Oxford)
This is a comprehensive account of the was in the Middle East. It even has a chapter on The Caucasus, so it is pretty all-embracing. We tend now, in The Collection, to shy away from these comprehensive histories, preferring to identify books on more specialist sub-categories, but this one is well written and so is a useful addition
Purchase Price
£25.00 (new)
Date Purchased
October 17, 2016
Oxford University Press (2016, Oxford)
This is a comprehensive account of the was in the Middle East. It even has a chapter on The Caucasus, so it is pretty all-embracing. We tend now, in The Collection, to shy away from these comprehensive histories, preferring to identify books on more specialist sub-categories, but this one is well written and so is a useful addition