The Russell Cawthorn Collection

German Battlecruisres of World War One: Their Design, Construction, and Operations
by Gary Staff
Purchase Price
£45.00 (new)
Date Purchased
September 22, 2016
Seaforth Publishing, an imprint of Pen & Sword (2014, Barnsley, South Yorks)
This is an absolutely gorgeous book. It is a large format book, well over 300 pages, stuffed with all sorts of photographs, engineering drawings, technical illustrations and so on. There are several colour sections where there are photographs of the 3D Renders produced by Marsden Samuel. The book is divided up into sections, each addressing one of the battlecruisers. It starts with the Von Der Tann and finishes with the Mackensen and the Graf Spee(which were uncompleted at the war's end). Anyone interested in the naval war will derive much pleasure from simply turning the pages, a serious student of the war will find the book to be an invaluable tool to understanding the naval war.
Purchase Price
£45.00 (new)
Date Purchased
September 22, 2016
Seaforth Publishing, an imprint of Pen & Sword (2014, Barnsley, South Yorks)
This is an absolutely gorgeous book. It is a large format book, well over 300 pages, stuffed with all sorts of photographs, engineering drawings, technical illustrations and so on. There are several colour sections where there are photographs of the 3D Renders produced by Marsden Samuel. The book is divided up into sections, each addressing one of the battlecruisers. It starts with the Von Der Tann and finishes with the Mackensen and the Graf Spee(which were uncompleted at the war's end). Anyone interested in the naval war will derive much pleasure from simply turning the pages, a serious student of the war will find the book to be an invaluable tool to understanding the naval war.