The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Silent Landscape - Battlefields of the Western Front 1914 - 1918 - One Hundred Years On
Purchase Price
£30.00 (new)
Date Purchased
August 17, 2016
Helion & Company Ltd (2016, Solihull, West Midlands)
When I first saw this book on Waterstone's shelves, I ;looked at it and decided that it was not an appropriate book for The Collection. It was not academic and I felt that it did not have a "fit" in The Collection. However, after a contemplative coffee, I realised that I was being excessively stupid, and I went back and bought it. The book is exactly what it says it is, in its title. The photographs are wonderful, and there is a very helpful and understanding text to accompany them; the images are technically brilliant and as one works ones way through the book, it would be impossible not to understand something about the horror of the war through these beautiful images. And, of course, we do have the category for "Aftermath", so there is actually a very good "fit" for the book. A word should be said about the photographer, James Kerr, a noted landscape photographer who himself spent seven years in the Coldstream Guards.
Purchase Price
£30.00 (new)
Date Purchased
August 17, 2016
Helion & Company Ltd (2016, Solihull, West Midlands)
When I first saw this book on Waterstone's shelves, I ;looked at it and decided that it was not an appropriate book for The Collection. It was not academic and I felt that it did not have a "fit" in The Collection. However, after a contemplative coffee, I realised that I was being excessively stupid, and I went back and bought it. The book is exactly what it says it is, in its title. The photographs are wonderful, and there is a very helpful and understanding text to accompany them; the images are technically brilliant and as one works ones way through the book, it would be impossible not to understand something about the horror of the war through these beautiful images. And, of course, we do have the category for "Aftermath", so there is actually a very good "fit" for the book. A word should be said about the photographer, James Kerr, a noted landscape photographer who himself spent seven years in the Coldstream Guards.