The Russell Cawthorn Collection

The Tragedy & Glory of Gallipoli: Anzac and Empire
Purchase Price
£6.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
April 23, 2016
Leo Cooper (1990, London)
This is a superb book. Its title refers to the Anzacs, but it is really about the Australians, the New Zealanders being mentioned only where necessary. As Robertson says in his Preface, the availability of Christopher Pugsley's very fine book "Gallipoli: The New Zealand Story" removed the need for further contribution from him. (Also in the Collection). Nor is this a panegyric to the Australians alone: Robertson tells their story in the context of the wider contribution from the British and the French. The book is full of interesting photographs, and there are numerous wonderful paintings reproduced in colour. Subjects like medical services and captivity are addressed. All in all, this lovely, and at the same time very scholarly, book is an absolutely splendid addition to the Collection's books on Gallipoli.
Purchase Price
£6.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
April 23, 2016
Leo Cooper (1990, London)
This is a superb book. Its title refers to the Anzacs, but it is really about the Australians, the New Zealanders being mentioned only where necessary. As Robertson says in his Preface, the availability of Christopher Pugsley's very fine book "Gallipoli: The New Zealand Story" removed the need for further contribution from him. (Also in the Collection). Nor is this a panegyric to the Australians alone: Robertson tells their story in the context of the wider contribution from the British and the French. The book is full of interesting photographs, and there are numerous wonderful paintings reproduced in colour. Subjects like medical services and captivity are addressed. All in all, this lovely, and at the same time very scholarly, book is an absolutely splendid addition to the Collection's books on Gallipoli.