The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Tales From The Trenches
by P.L. Dickson
Purchase Price
£8.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
March 30, 2016
W. Nicholson nd Sons Ltd (1918, London)
This a reasonably random collection of stories about the trenches, army life, and the men who were involved. They are "stories", rather than history. They are not presented as necessarily true. but according to the author a number of the incidents described actually happened. What the author is doing is attempting to describe certain "phases of life in the Army". This booklet (because that is what it is) cost 1/6d at the time (the end of the war) and profits from the sale of it were donated to St. Dunstan's Hostel for Blind Soldiers and Sailors.
Purchase Price
£8.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
March 30, 2016
W. Nicholson nd Sons Ltd (1918, London)
This a reasonably random collection of stories about the trenches, army life, and the men who were involved. They are "stories", rather than history. They are not presented as necessarily true. but according to the author a number of the incidents described actually happened. What the author is doing is attempting to describe certain "phases of life in the Army". This booklet (because that is what it is) cost 1/6d at the time (the end of the war) and profits from the sale of it were donated to St. Dunstan's Hostel for Blind Soldiers and Sailors.