The Russell Cawthorn Collection

Westralian Cavalry in the War: The Story of the Tenth Light Horse Regiment, AIF, in the Great War, 1914 - 1918
by A.C.N. Olden
Purchase Price
£50.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
February 19, 2016
Alexander McCubbin (1921, Melbourne)
This is a valuable addition to the Collection's regimental histories, because it is a history of an Australian cavalry regiment, first at Gallipoli (presumably unhorsed) and then in Palestine; and also because there is much about the Palestine Campaign. Note: This book does not look like one published in 1921, the killer being that it has an ISBN number. So it looks more kike a typical Naval & Military reprint (facsimile), but there is no evidence to support this. Whatever, it is the contents of the book (including the liberal selection of photographs and some very good folding maps) which are the most important thing.
Purchase Price
£50.00 (second hand)
Date Purchased
February 19, 2016
Alexander McCubbin (1921, Melbourne)
This is a valuable addition to the Collection's regimental histories, because it is a history of an Australian cavalry regiment, first at Gallipoli (presumably unhorsed) and then in Palestine; and also because there is much about the Palestine Campaign. Note: This book does not look like one published in 1921, the killer being that it has an ISBN number. So it looks more kike a typical Naval & Military reprint (facsimile), but there is no evidence to support this. Whatever, it is the contents of the book (including the liberal selection of photographs and some very good folding maps) which are the most important thing.